Essential Pest Solutions

It’s the Season for: Birds

Controlling or eliminating nuisance bird species is to the forefront of the minds of anyone who considers them a pest.

As birds can be a beautiful part of our natural environment, but their populations can rain on the parades of home owners and business folk alike.
Small birds

Small birds can create big issues

Pest birds spread disease with their excrement, as well as disturbing the peace with their often loud calls, so humane deterrents are necessary.

Birds have few, natural predators, which means that you’re just about on your own when it comers to limiting their numbers.

Large populations of birds can have significant adverse effects on human health and safety by carrying and transmitting diseases including encephalitis and toxoplasmosis.

Furthermore, humans can suffer from cryptococcsis, histoplasmosis, meningitis and salmonella by breathing their droppings.

On top of that, filthy droppings, high in corrosive uric acidity, from birds can cause significant damage and deterioration to air conditioning equipment, industrial machinery, insultation structures and vehicles.

Indian myna is native to Asia
Indian myna is native to Asia

Their carcasses and nests, can often be a fire hazard in their own right, can cause electrical outages, block drains and clog downpipes, as well as attracting secondary insects pests including mealybugs, mites and slugs.

Nesting in roof cavity
Nesting in roof cavity
Fire hazard caused by bird nesting
Fire hazard caused by bird nesting

Disease can be transmitted by airborne transmission, the inhalation of faecal dust, direct contact with droppings – especially with open wounds – and the presence of faecal matter in water supplies.

Nuisance pigeons roosting

Nuisance pigeons roosting

The eggs of infected birds also present disease problems for humans, also do fleas and bird mites which feed off the birds in their nests, being left behind when the birds leave the nest.

Birds look to buildings and structures to provide food, moisture, shelter and warmth, particularly in the colder winter months.

Bird Mites

Bird mites

There are many options available to deal with bird infestations, which can protect both your health and property. Contact Essential Pest Solutions in Geelong to discuss the best solution for you through our bird control services.

Phone: 0438 422 580



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