Most Huntsman spiders can live for two or more years and are one of Australia’s most common and terrifying creepy crawlies, mainly due to their intimidating appearance. However, huntsman spiders are generally harmless.
Even if they bite, it isn’t the end of the world. But their size, quick movements, and ability to “leap”(which is more like a fall) or suddenly appear on walls and windscreens inside the car give a lot of people a fright. In reality, huntsman spiders do more good than harm.
As the name implies, the huntsman spider doesn’t build or spin a web because it is a hunting spider that moves around at night in search of prey. Huntsmen spiders will eat a variety of other creatures, mainly insects such as cockroaches so that they can be reasonably useful in the home. However, huntsman spiders are also preyed upon and provide a hearty meal for potter wasps, geckos, and other arachnids.
How to Identify a Huntsman Spider
Knowing which spider you’re dealing with is handy before getting rid of huntsman spiders from the home or office. There are about 100 species of huntsman spider in Australia, including a beautiful green one (Neosparassus).
According to the Australian Museum, huntsmen are relatively large, long-legged spiders. They are coloured primarily brown or grey, and some have banded legs. Brown huntsman (Heteropoda) spiders are motley brown, white and black. The huntsman’s mottled colour camouflages it on trees and rocks.
Huntsman Spiders Are Generally Flat-Bodied
Delena is the flattest huntsman species, but Isopeda, Isopedella, and Holconia also have flattened bodies to crawl under bark or into rock crevices. However, the bodies of the brown (Heteropoda) and badge (Neosparassus) huntsman spiders are not as flat. The badge huntsman spider has combinations of black, white, yellow or orange on the underside of the abdomen as their “badge”. Huntsman spiders’ legs also help them crawl into small crevices since their joints twist and spread out laterally and forward like a crab. This is why the huntsman spider is often lumped into a group called giant crab spiders.
Why Do Huntsman Spiders Come Inside?
The huntsman spider’s ability to flatten its body to squeeze beneath tree bark and into tight spaces means it will have no trouble slipping under closed doors or any gaps in walls, windows, or cars. During the warmer months, huntsmen will likely come inside to escape the heat and look for cockroaches and other insects.
Are Huntsman Spiders Dangerous?
The female huntsman spider creates an oval, usually white flat pocket to lay all 200 or so eggs. Some huntsman spider species carry the oval egg sac; others put it in a sheltered place and stand guard for around three weeks until the eggs hatch. Many huntsman spiders can become aggressive if their eggs are threatened, but they are more likely to flee than attack.
Are Huntsman Spiders Poisonous?
If a huntsman spider bites, it is usually female huntsman spiders protecting their eggs. Huntsman spider venom kills insects but is not toxic to humans, although the venom from a large badge huntsman spider has more potent venom. So, yes, huntsman spiders bite people, but only rarely, and a huntsman bite is usually mild, causing local pain and swelling that lasts about an hour. A huntsman bite victim may also get a headache and mild nausea and may seek medical attention.
How to Stop Huntsman Spiders Coming Inside
Since huntsman spiders are not web-building spiders, with no fixed abode or hiding place, it’s challenging to treat them and prevent them from entering your yard or home. But if there is an infestation of 150 Delena cancerides in a tree on your property, they can be removed. Just call Essential Pest Solutions for an inspection and treatment. If huntsman spiders are in evidence around your home, a pest treatment in the yard to get rid of pest insects they feed on will make your property less attractive to huntsman spiders.
It’s also a good idea to ensure there are no gaps in your home through which huntsman spiders can squeeze to get inside. Also, ensure your insect screens are in good order and that bottom bug seals are fitted on doors. Clearing any excess vegetation from your yard and gardens will also help keep other insects away, so there is no prey for huntsman spiders.
Contact Essential Pest Solutions Today
If huntsman spiders, or other spiders, are bugging you, our experts at Essential Pest Solutions in Geelong can help. Our fully trained and certified pest inspection and treatment team services the Geelong region and surrounding areas.
Contact Essential Pest Solutions today for a free quote on pest control. Visit our website, call us at 0438 422 580, or email info@essentialpestsolutions.com.au for more information about getting rid of huntsman spiders on your Geelong property.